Comprehensive Airman Fitness

CAF is a holistic approach to develop over-arching Airman fitness and resilience. "Airman" collectively refers to military, civilian, and family members. CAF includes fitness in mental, physical, social, and spiritual domains and is not a stand-alone program or specified training class; instead, CAF is a cultural shift in how we view and maintain fitness in a more comprehensive manner and enables Airmen to hold each other accountable against Air Force Core Values. CAF provides an integrated framework that encompasses many cross-functional education and training efforts, activities, programs, and other equities that play a contributory role in sustaining a fit, resilient, and ready force. Leaders and individuals throughout the force must understand, promote, and support CAF.


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  • Joint Base walks to safety to promote tsunami awareness

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  • SAAP Month kicks off: One survivor shares story

    Editor’s note -- April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. As this year’s campaign kicks off, one Airman shares her story with the hopes of shedding light on the reality of sexual assault and the very real and lasting impact living with the violation can have on a victim’s life. While

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Contact Info

Mark Calvo

Prevention Coordinator Specialist

Building 25045 Room H-106
Andersen, AFB

DSN: 315-366-4585
Comm: (671) 366-4585


Domains of CAF

MentalApproaching life's challenges in a positive way by demonstrating self-control, stamina and good character with choices and actions; seeking help and offering help.

PhysicalPerforming and excelling in physical activities which requite aerobic fitness, endurance, strength, flexibility and body composition derived through exercise, nutrition and training.

SocialDeveloping and maintaining trusted, valued friendships that are personally fulfilling and foster good communication, including exchange of ideas, views and experiences.

SpiritualStrengthening a set of beliefs, principles or values that sustain and individuals sense of well-being and purpose. Having a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. Essential to an individuals resiliency as esprit de corps is vital to a unit's mission accomplishment. Includes but is not limited to worldviews, religious faith, sense of purpose, sense of connectedness, values, ethics and morals.