36th Communications Squadron

36th Communications Squadron 


Develop Airmen to build, maintain and defend cyber capabilities to enhance mission partner success and project power from the forward edge.


Agile Professionals, Operationally Focused, Leading Cyber Transformation


Operations Flight

- Enables the 36th Wing’s communication capabilities through a variety of base-level network support through the Network Control Center, Cyber Transport, Client Service Center, Knowledge Management Center, Radio Frequency Transmission Systems, and Cable & Antenna maintenance offices.

Network Control Center (Cyber Systems Operations)

- Comprised of net enclave service administration, enterprise storage, and vulnerability management. Through the Cyber Systems Operations section, the daily operations of all 36th Wing computers to include e-mail, authentication, web and file servers are managed.

Cyber Transport

- Designs and maintains the backbone of the base's network infrastructure. This includes all of the communications circuits that traverse from building to building or from Andersen to another military installation or commercial communications provider.

Client Service Center

- Consists of the Communications Focal Point (CFP) and the Client Service Technicians (CSTs). The CFP opens and tracks any communications related outages and coordinates maintenance actions with higher headquarters. CSTs maintain and install IT assets to include desktops, laptops, printers and multifunctional devices.

Radio Frequency Transmission Systems

- Monitors and maintains Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, Mystic Star link, Guam Air Defense Radio system as well as providing Land Mobile Radio support and Public Address support to base entities for official functions.

Cable and Antenna Maintenance

- Locates, maintains, removes, and modifies copper core and fiber optic cable. Also, climbs antenna support structures to various heights for maintenance actions on cable and antenna systems.

Plans and Resources Flight

- Provides requesting organizations the ability to obtain new cyberspace capabilities through the planning and implementation of cyberspace system requirements and downward directed cyberspace programs by focusing on the ability of current and future cyberspace systems to meet mission requirements.

Knowledge Management Center

- Manage all information as assets that must be available to authorized personnel and Joint or Coalition partners (with appropriate permissions and a need-to-know) when requested during mission operations and operational support activities. KMC provides services for Records Management, Publications and Forms, Enterprise Information Management, Content Management, Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act.

Wing Cybersecurity

- Provides Cyber Security support for all base and tenant organizations.  Manages base network certification and accreditation, communications & computer security and TEMPEST programs.

Contact us

DSN 366-2666
Commercial (671) 366-2666