The Andersen Direct Hire Program effectively connects qualified applicants with hiring managers who either have a vacant position authorized for direct hire OR who are looking to fill their position with an applicant that meets the criteria to be hired directly.

Direct Hire Authority (DHA) is simply an appointing or hiring authority that expedites the recruitment process by exempting some of the traditional recruiting requirements. Its purpose is to streamline the recruitment process by allowing hiring managers to directly appoint qualified candidates without applying competitive rating and ranking procedures.

Some individuals such as Military Spouses, 30% Disabled Veterans, and Schedule A (people with disabilities) applicants may be appointed non-competitively and can apply to any of the positions below.

To apply, applicants should email their resume to the appropriate hiring manger listed below. When applying for a position it is imperative that applicants use a federally formatted resume. Federally formatted resumes can be longer, more detailed, and help to illustrate an applicant’s qualifications.

For assistance, USA jobs has a resume builder located here: https://help.usajobs.gov/how-to/account/documents/resume Additionally, the Military and Family Readiness center (M&FRC) provides resume assistance, please contact: 36fss.fsh@us.af.mil for more information.


PREVENTION ANALYST, GS-0101 -12, Andersen Air Base, Guam USAJOBS website at http://www.usajobs.gov/ with announcement number 8D-AFPC-12666345-694013-RSE , USAJOBS Control Number is 827789800 . Direct link is https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/827789800

  • Conditions of employment: Non-Critical Sensitive. 
  • A Master’s degree or higher in a behavioral, social science, or related discipline appropriate to this position is preferred.
  • Knowledge and experience within primary prevention is highly desired.
  • Must obtain, maintain and renew credentialing as required by a credentialing board identified by the DoD and specified in policy.
  • Work may occasionally require travel away from the normal duty station on military or commercial aircraft.
  • This position requires a high degree of discretion in relation to sensitive information of which the incumbent is aware.
  • The work requires the incumbent to obtain and maintain the appropriate security clearance.
  • Position requires flexibility and adaptability to implement DAF’s frequent program and policy modifications, which are often made quickly in response to evolving environments, mission sets and risk/protective factors.
  • The work requires the incumbent to obtain and maintain the appropriate security clearance.
  • Incumbent must meet screening/suitability criteria listed in DoD and DAF guidance.

Military spouse direct hire authority

The National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2022 approved an MSP DHA pilot program until December 31, 2026, to hire military spouses at foreign locations and Guam.


  • Military Spouse on PCS orders to Guam
  • Spouse must reside with military sponsor in local commuting area


  • May be used to fill any position at the GS-15 and below
  • May appoint qualified military spouses (not currently permanent federal employees)
  • MSP DHA does not prohibit a military spouse from using other available appointment/hiring authority
  • Recruitment through USAJobs not required


  • All appointments are Term Positions not to exceed 2 years may be extended up to 6 years  
  • MSP DHA positions will terminate at Sponsor’s DEROS, relocation, retirement, death, divorce


  • Current permanent military spouse must agree to a 3-day break in service
  • DHA appointments are not permanent (time limited)
  • Leave without pay is not authorized for MSP DHA positions
  • DHA appointments may not convert to permanent status

DHA faqs

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Expand List item 3056Collapse List item 3056  What is the definition of "local commuting area"?

A: As determined by Installation Commanders utilizing the definition in 5 CFR § 351.203 for the geographic area that usually constitutes one area for employment purposes. It includes any population center (or two or more neighboring ones) and the surrounding localities in which people live and can reasonably be expected to travel back and forth daily to their usual employment.

Expand List item 3050Collapse List item 3050  Since a public notice, nor announcement is required to utilize this DHA, how do we source candidates for vacant positions?

A: DAF will utilize Public Notices for some occupations. Spouses should be directed to USAJOBS.gov and search by location for the commuting area where their sponsor is assigned. Other positions may be posted or sourced through the Air Force Civilian Services website and Air Force Personnel Center Talent Acquisition (TA) Team (refer to Talent Acquisition Services). TA will provide consulting services to assist with identifying qualified candidates, utilizing services such as LinkedIn Recruiter, and other job boards. If BNR cannot be identified, traditional recruitment may be followed IAW SAF/MR Policy dated 27 March 2018.

Expand List item 3053Collapse List item 3053  How does DHA-MS affect other family member preference/authorities?

A: Use of this authority does not interfere with DAF’s ability to appoint spouses of Uniformed Services personnel in overseas locations under any other overseas family member hiring authorities, to include the Overseas Family Member Excepted Service Schedule A hiring authority under DoD Instruction, 1400.25, Volume 1232.

Expand List item 3058Collapse List item 3058  Does this authority allow LWOP?

A: No. Under this authority, spouses of Uniformed Services personnel are not eligible for leave without pay (LWOP) when relocating outside of the commuting area.

Expand List item 3059Collapse List item 3059  Will this authority allow for remote work?

A: No, remote work is not authorized under this DHA authority, as one of the requirements is the position offered must be within the local commuting area of the Uniformed Service member's assigned duty location.

Expand List item 3061Collapse List item 3061  Does the 180-day waiver apply?

A: Yes. As a matter of policy, section 3326 of chapter 33, subchapter I of title 5, U.S.C., and corresponding Code of Federal Regulations provisions will continue to apply.

Expand List item 3052Collapse List item 3052  Can you appoint a permanent competitive status employee while utilizing this DHA?

A: The authority should primarily be used to appoint qualified candidates who are not existing DoD competitive service employees with permanent status. However, if management considers the use of the authority to appoint a permanent competitive status employee a 3-day break in federal service (i.e. Resign on Thurs, for Mon appointment). There is no conversion of appointment authority permitted. As a reminder, appointments using DHA-MS may only be Time-Limited.

Expand List item 3064Collapse List item 3064  Can CPS/MAJCOMS create a repository of resumes of military spouses in the local Civilian Personnel Flights?

A: No. Sourcing of candidates can occur through the applicants under the Public Notices, AFPC Talent Acquisition or traditional recruitment.

Expand List item 3057Collapse List item 3057  What actions would terminate a DHA-MS appointment?

A: Appointments terminate either upon expiration of the term
upon the end of the sponsoring Uniformed Service member’s accompanied tour
on the date the sponsoring Uniformed Service member or spouse is impacted by one of the following circumstances:
         a. Relocation back to the United States in connection with PCS orders;
         b. Relocation from their assigned duty station’s local commuting area to another duty location outside the United States in connection with a PCS move;
         c. Divorce
         d. Death of sponsor
         e. Retires or separates from active duty

Expand List item 3065Collapse List item 3065  Does Veteran's Preference apply?

A: No. Qualified candidates with veteran’s preference should be considered as they are found, just as any qualified non-preference eligible.

Expand List item 3046Collapse List item 3046  What does the term "Uniformed Services" mean?

A: The term Uniformed Services mean
          a. Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, and Coast Guard)
          b. The commissioned corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
          c. The commissioned corps of the Public Health Service

Expand List item 3055Collapse List item 3055  Can a military spouse appointed under this DHA be subsequently converted to a military spouse Schedule A appointment?

A: Yes. Military Spouse Preference (MSP) is not affected by DHA-MS authority, if a military spouse meets the criteria for MSP and currently works for the agency under the DHA Military spouse pilot program, a conversion to a Schedule A appointment may be permissible.

Expand List item 3060Collapse List item 3060  Are there any reporting requirements associated with this Pilot DHA?

A: Yes, requirements are due annually to HAF/A1C by 5 October. AFPC/MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs/COCOMs are responsible to track/report all the requirements as outlined below:
            a. AFPC will provide the listing of the number of spouses of Uniformed Services personnel to the Civilian Personnel Offices. This will include Name, Series, and Grade as well as any applicable demographic data.
            b. Civilian Personnel Offices will use the data provided in (a) and provide the following requirements:
                   (1) Data on the Uniformed Services Member.
                   (2) Analysis of the feasibility and use of the DHA in the overseas environment.
                   (3) How the commuting distances were determined.

Expand List item 3054Collapse List item 3054  Can a military spouse utilize their Overseas Military Spouse Preference (MSP) after they accept a position utilizing this DHA-MS?

A: Yes. The Overseas Military Spouse Preference is not affected by this DHA-MS, due to appointments under this authority must be on a time-limited basis (not permanent).

Expand List item 3063Collapse List item 3063  Does PPP apply?

A: Yes. Appointments under this authority are subject to the Priority Placement Program. Procedures applicable to the use of a statutory DoD DHA may be found in the Priority Placement Program Handbook, Chapter 4, Appendix B.

Expand List item 3051Collapse List item 3051  Is the current OCONUS DHA Business Program (BP) Guide applicable to DHA-MS Pilot Program?

A: OCONUS DHA Procedures guide outlines procedures related to the recruitment initiated from CONUS to OCONUS foreign locations. Pilot program on DHA-MS intent is to allow an additional authority to hire military spouses at locations outside the U.S., when stationed with the member at the foreign duty location and meets qualification and eligibility requirements.

Expand List item 3045Collapse List item 3045  Does this DHA apply to spouses of civilian employees?

A: No, Pilot Program will only assess the use of the authority to hire spouses of members of the uniformed services at locations outside the United States.

Expand List item 3048Collapse List item 3048  What type of appointment can be made utilizing this DHA?

A: Appointments are on a time-limited basis, Temporary or Term. Initial Term appointments will not exceed 2 years with the ability to extend for two additional terms (not to exceed 2 years for each extension) NTE a total of 6 years.

Expand List item 3044Collapse List item 3044  Who is eligible to be appointed utilizing this DHA?

A: A spouse (husband or wife) who is Legally married to an “Active Duty” military member stationed at a duty location outside the United States. Spouse must be listed on the military PCS orders.

Expand List item 3047Collapse List item 3047  What is considered a "location outside the U.S."?

A: All locations outside the Continental US including Guam and Puerto Rico. This does not include Hawaii and Alaska.

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