Command Sponsorship

What is Command Sponsorship (CSP)?

Command Sponsorship applications are done at the losing duty station and are typically not initiated in Guam.

Being granted Command Sponsorship means that family members are approved to accompany a DoD member to their next duty station (typically when it’s outside the Continental United States) for the length of their tour. Command Sponsorship is not guaranteed and service members must apply and obtaining approval from their gaining duty location by an Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) screening for each accompanying family member.

Even if a military member is not granted Command Sponsorship (CSP), they have the option to bring their family Non-Command Sponsored, or NCS. However, this decision should not be made lightly, since NCS dependents have access to limited benefits. Members should talk with their units and EFMP to make an informed decision on what is best for them and their family.

The military member may also apply for CSP if already stationed in Guam and has a new dependent because of marriage, spouse’s separation from service, birth, custody, guardianship, or adoption.



Outpatient Mental Health care is routinely available to Active Duty military only. Mental Health needs are addressed much differently off base than in the United States. Carefully consider all options with your current mental health provider to determine if relocation to Guam can meet your specific needs.



What benefits does CSP provide?

Only Command Sponsored dependents are authorized:

  • On-base housing, if available
  • Travel Allowance: DoD members receive travel allowances and reimbursements for their families
  • Household Goods Shipment: DoD members receive their full accompanied JTR weight
  • Guaranteed attendance at DoDEA schools
  • Prioritized access to on-base services, such as medical services and childcare


Note: All dependents, regardless of CSP status, are authorized base access and use of the Base Exchange, Commissary, Fitness Center, and Recreational Programs.




How do I apply for CSP

First, read all instructions provided. We know this process is lengthy. Please utilize the checklist to guide you step-by-step along the way to alleviate any delays from start to finish. Incomplete documents may cause a delay in processing time, and we know how valuable time is when it comes to your family.

Second, make sure you understand the implications CSP has on your assignment length and financial statuses. Please visit MPF and finance to answer assignment/financial questions before starting the medical clearance process.

After reviewing the “Instructions for Completing Command Sponsorship Application” link below, open the “CSP Application.” Complete the application in its entirety (including gathering medical records, completing required medical and dental appointments, and all required forms) prior to turning in the application to the EFMP office. If unable to open the application please visit the EFMP office in the Andersen clinic to receive a paper copy.