36th Logistics Readiness Squadron

36th Logistics Readiness Squadron 


Prepare combat ready Airmen for world wide deployment while providing meticulous contract oversight and first-class logistics support to Team Andersen


The 36 LRS includes the following flights:
Fuels Management
Performance Assessment
Commanders Support Staff

The 36th Logistics Readiness Squadron provides Team Andersen with the full spectrum of logistics support to include operating the largest fuel storage location in the Air Force and overseeing the installation deployment and reception operations. The 36 LRS also manages the largest Supply and Transportation contract in PACAF as part of the Joint Region Marianas Base Operating Support Contract oversight function. Also, the 36 LRS manages PACAF WRM assets and the second largest stockpile of Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources in the Command.

Invicita Defense performs the contracted supply, traffic management, vehicle operations and vehicle maintenance functions for the 36 LRS. Invicita Defense provides a ready and capable pool of contractors to support AAFB and its tenant units during peacetime and contingency deployments, strategic transient airlift and staging operations, as well as all theater directed exercises and continuous bomber missions. The supply account consists of an average of 19,000 line items valued at more than $17 million; most items are stored in the 67,000 square-foot main warehouse. Invicita Defense also provides supply support to Singapore and Diego Garcia, in addition to operating Andersen's Hazardous Material Pharmacy. Additionally, Invicita Defense provides quick, safe and economical vehicle repairs to the fleet of over 1,000 vehicles, working closely with the vehicle operations section for overall fleet management. Finally, Invicita Defense also provides traffic management services that include preparing, packing, moving and receiving cargo by air and surface; military customs and quality control programs.

Dyncorp is contracted to store, manage, maintain and deploy the BEAR. Dyncorp manages three warehouse locations both on and off the installation. They perform periodic maintenance inspections on BEAR, LAMS and MAAS systems to ensure the mission readiness of $70M in assets. Dyncorp oversees and reports to the LRS/CC the status and shortfalls of 490 different Unit Type Codes.

AFH Corporation oversees and manages the fuels storage facilities on Andersen Air Force Base. AFH is contracted to manage bulk fuel storage, maintain storage facilities and receipt for fuel shipments from Defense Fuel Supply Point Guam. AFH Corporation is a Defense Logistics Agency-Energy contracted entity that reports to the Fuel Responsible Officer and the 36 LRS.

Contact us

DSN 366-4602
Commercial (671) 366-4602

Email: 36LRS.CSS@us.af.mil