To reinforce the AF's commitment to eliminate sexual assault through a comprehensive program that provides prevention and awareness education, ensures compassionate and effective response for survivors, and cultivates a base-wide wingman culture that is predicated on mutual respect and trust.
The Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) implements and manages the base SAPR program and is the main point of contact for reporting, response and victim advocacy. SARCs assist unit commanders as necessary to ensure victims of sexual assault receive appropriate and responsive care. The SARC reports directly to the Vice Wing Commander.
The SARC is responsible for ensuring a victim support system that provides 24/7 victim response, victim advocates, information, referrals, case management, and support services. Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment Victim Advocates (SA/SH VA) assist the SARC with providing essential advocacy support, liaison services and care to eligible victims of sexual assault & sexual harassment.
Active-duty Airmen, Guardians, and Reserve members who are 18 years or older are eligible to receive sexual harassment advocacy services from the SAPR office. Air National Guard members are eligible in a federalized status. The Air National Guard in a non-federalized status (Title 32/State Active Duty, etc.) will follow Chief, National Guard Bureau guidance. Eligible members have the option of filing a Restricted or Unrestricted Report.
Eligibility for sexual assault reporting include:
• Military (includes Guard & Reserve)
• Military dependents who are 18 years old or older and eligible for
treatment in a Military Treatment Facility (MTF) (Tricare eligible)
• DAF civilian employees (appropriated and non-appropriated)
• U.S. citizen DoD contractor personnel when they are authorized to
accompany the Armed Forces in a contingency operation OCONUS and
their U.S. citizen employees. DoD contractor personnel only have the
Unrestricted Reporting option
• Victims whose report includes an alleged subject who is or was a spouse,
shared a child/children or live or have lived together are referred to
Family Advocacy Program (FAP) to manage
o Those that involve intimate partners or "dating" may choose SAPR
or FAP, unless it is determined there is an elevated safety risk,
then FAP would manage the case
Reporting options available at SAPR Office: Restricted and Unrestricted Reports
• Both reporting options may be received and kept confidential by a SARC,
SAPR VA, or healthcare personnel. An official report with SAPR is
documented by signing a DD Form 2910 with a SARC or SAPR VA and
electing a reporting preference.
• Restricted Reports are kept confidential and neither Command nor
MCIOs are notified by SAPR, DoD Safe Helpline, or military medical
assistance. Restricted reports can later be converted to Unrestricted
reports if a victim or survivor elects to do so.
• A victim may speak with the following personnel and maintain a
Restricted Report: SARC, SAPR VA, Chaplain/Religious Support Team
(RST) personnel, Victims’ Counsel (VC), military medical and mental
health providers, or DoD Safe Helpline.
• Unrestricted Reports trigger a notification of the assault to command
authorities and to a Military Criminal Investigative Office (MCIO) or
appropriate law enforcement investigative agency, which may initiate an
• Both initiate support services. Additional supports, like requesting an
expedited transfer, are available only for Unrestricted Reports.
Independent Investigation:
• Independent investigations are not initiated by a victim. They can occur
when information about a sexual assault comes to a mandatory
reporter’s attention or Military Criminal Investigative Office’s MCIO’s
attention from a source other than a victim (victim may have elected
Restricted Reporting or where no report has been made by the victim).
• A third party (friend of victim, witness to assault, etc.) discloses the
assault to a mandated reporter.