36th Wing Inspector General

Complaints Resolution Mission Statement: To sustain a credible Air Force Inspector General system for the 36th Wing by ensuring the existence of viable, responsive complaints resolution and Fraud, Waste and Abuse programs characterized by integrity, fairness, and impartiality while serving as the eyes and ears of the 36th Wing Commander by maintaining vigilance for potential systematic issues or areas of concern.

Office Information

IG Office Email  | Complaints Email

Located in Bldg. 23003
24 Hour · FWA HOTLINE · 366-5367

DOD DSN 312-664-8569 · 1-800-424-9098
USAF DSN 312-227-1061 · 1-800-468-6661
PACAF DSN 315-449-3952

Complaints Program

AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution, governs established IG procedures and applies to all military personnel subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, AF civilian personnel under certain conditions, retirees and dependents.

Your identity and privacy interests are protected.

You may file a complaint at any level within IG channels without fear of reprisal.

How to file a complaint:
     1.  Make an appointment with the IG Office
     2. Submit an Air Force Form 1022
     3.  Call the 24-hour FWA hotline at 366-5367

"The Wing IG is available when you have a complaint, or a problem that you and your chain of command can't solve."

Fraud Waste and Abuse

Detection and Prevention

Protect the loss of resources and prosecute Fraud, Waste and Abuse practices

Help commanders prevent, detect and correct Fraud, Waste and Abuse and mismanagement

The success of the program lies with each individual within the Air Force.
Don't hesitate to report suspected Fraud, Waste and Abuse through your chain of command or to the IG.