Wash Your Hands

Wash Your Hands


Andersen AFB COVID-19 Guidance

AAFB is now in HPCON A and in low risk category.

Immunizations Clinic Booster Shot Ops: Immunizations Clinic Update (7 Jan 22) 

COVID mitigation for all personnel at Andersen AFB: AAFB COVID Mitigation Measures & Enforcement (3 Mar 22)



Please refer questions to Maj Brian Gendreau, 36 WG COVID-19 Response Lead. 671-362-4738, brian.gendreau.2@us.af.mil 


On Jan. 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency of international concern for the 2019 novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. On Jan. 31, 2020, the secretary of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency in the United States and announced new measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The current epidemic, which originated in mainland China, has demonstrated the capacity of COVID-19 to spread globally. While supporting other government agencies’ response to the COVID-19 threat, the Department of the Air Force is responding appropriately to protect the health of the force and maintain operational readiness.

What to do if You're Experiencing Symptoms

If you are experiencing symptoms of a cough, shortness of breath and/or fever, please call the appointment line at 366-WELL before coming to the Medical Group.

Help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, like Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) by avoiding close contact with people who are sick; covering cough and sneeze, avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth; and washing your hands with soap and water.

If you suspect you are sick with Coronavirus Disease 2019 or want more information, see the attached CDC fact sheets to help prevent the spread to other people in your home and community.

For more information visit the Air Force Medical Services website.



COVID-19 News

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Gov Guam COVID-19 Guidance