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36th CES helps improve Andersen life

  • Published
  • By Airman Whitney Amstutz
  • 36th Wing Public Affairs
The U.S. Air Force has a lot to boast about. Not only is it the world's greatest and most effective air power, but also maintains the highest standard of living for its Airmen and their families.

This year, the 36th Civil Engineer Squadron was tasked with the responsibility of disseminating $12 million for major housing repairs and improvements throughout the base.

"We received $12 million for housing projects," said Capt. Joseph Gamez, 36th CES resources flight chief. "Approximately $8 million of the $12 million was given to us by the Navy. It is the money that they couldn't spend. Both the Navy and the Air Force are given a certain amount of spending money. However, they didn't execute as many housing projects as we did this year, so we received their excess."

A great deal of the funds received is being put toward the improvement of the quality-of-life for Andersen Airmen and their loved ones.

"We got most of the money for projects in housing," said Harmony Hartless, 36th CES projects programmer. "Since the housing office and their associates generally have a better handle on the issues in base housing and the dormitories, we consult with them to find out what needs to be accomplished."

In addition to ideas derived from the housing flight, many suggestions made at Town Hall meetings are put forth and made into realities.

"We are installing covered pavilions in the park areas for families to enjoy," Hartless said. "We got a lot of feedback about the heat, and concern regarding children playing in such hot and humid conditions for long periods of time."

Other quality-of-life improvements consist of a jogging path that extends around base, playground canopies as well as basketball and tennis courts within family housing.
Each project began as a simple suggestion or request and is now only months away from being brought to full fruition.

"All of these projects were approved and are forthcoming," Captain Gamez said. "They have either already begun work and are underway, or work will begin in the coming weeks. It is an exciting time for residents on Andersen."

With such a multitude of improvements in the making, it is important to give credit where credit is due.

"The impact is huge just because of the quantity of things we're doing," Captain Gamez said. "These projects have huge impact especially with quality of life. It was a large partnership between many Andersen units such as contracting, engineering and members of the financial management shop, as well as with the Navy. It was not a singular accomplishment and it couldn't have been done without these people."