ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, Guam -- Questions and Answers from the Andersen Town Halls on Nov. 15 and 17, 2023.
These questions are compiled from the pre-solicitation, sent-in during and questions actually asked during the Town Halls. These questions were answered by Subject Matter Experts from across the installation, focused primarily on Mission Support Group teams, including Civil Engineering, Force Support Squadron and the Logistic Readiness Squadron. Questions have been re-worded and condensed for clarity.
Base Activities
Q1: What is the status of the playgrounds around the installation?
A1: Base housing has begun a time-phased plan that is focused on: 1. Determining what parts are needed to fix every playground, 2. Ordering the parts, 3. Determining the best order to fix the playgrounds. As of now, parts have been ordered and expected arrival is Feb 2024, with playground competition dates in Mar 2024. A request has been submitted to the Residential Officer in charge of Construction and contractor to explore the opportunity to partially open the area for the community while we await the parts and full repairs. Safety when using the playgrounds is of the utmost importance!
Q2: What is the status of the base pool/kiddie pool?
A2: Kiddie pool: The kiddie pool was closed around 4 years ago when CE discovered that its pump system was connected directly to the main pool, which is a sanitation and safety issue due to the likelihood of fecal matter entering the system. At that time, it was determined that a completely separate system is needed to run the kiddie pool.
Pool: The pool was badly damaged in Mawar. Anticipated competition date is Mar 2024. We are actively looking into solutions, but with the anticipated level of funding, acquisition, and construction/installation required, it will take time. There is coordination on the pumping, cleaning and refilling the pool. Once filled, we will test pumps and motors with untreated water to pinpoint any failures in the water or electrical system. Parts have been ordered; we are awaiting delivery date. Fencing should be done this week.
Q4: What is the status of the men’s sauna at the Coral Reef Fitness Center?
A4: The men's sauna overheated and became unserviceable after a patron tampered with the heat sensor by putting a wet paper towel on it in an attempt to raise the heat even further. This caused the entire system to need replacement (sauna unit, thermostat, control panel and wiring). We've procured a new sauna unit, and we're currently still working to procure the thermostat and control panel. We expect to be able to procure the necessary equipment and coordinate installation by early 2024. CE is working with FSS to install new sauna equipment system. Once complete WFSMs will install new sprinkler head.
Q5: Are there any plans to create an in-door play place for kids?
A5: We do not currently have any plans in place to create additional indoor play areas for kids. Those registered in our Child and Youth Programs have access to activities such as Youth Sports, Start Smart, and the gross motor room in our CDC (currently under renovation due to Typhoon Mawar). Children 0-12 are authorized supervised use of the Coral Reef Fitness Center basketball courts. 6-12 are also authorized supervised use of the racquetball courts. There are some off-base options that you can learn about through the CYP and CDC.
Q6: Where is the monthly MWR magazine posted online?
A6: The magazine is updated and posted here!
Q7: Why isn’t there public transit on Andersen? Or public transit from Andersen to Naval Base Guam and Downtown?
A7: These services have not been provided due to like of serviceable equipment, qualified drivers, and limited interest/demand. FSS is interested in exploring MWR pay-as-you-go options to provide transit between certain locations on the installation (such as Top of the Rock and Tarague Beach), however market research still needs to be conducted. Andersen will be trying to institute buses to Naval Base Guam for specific events.
Q8: When with Tarague Beach be completely re-opened, to include amenities?
A8: We are working with our Civil Engineer partners to bring Bamboo Willies completely up to speed. Power and water are on! HVAC system is operational, but CE is still fabricating ductwork. We are coordinating with CE for assessments, to test electrical and fire alarm system functionality. We do intend to re-open for weekend service. More to come on expected timeline of re-opening. As for the camp sites, additional work needs to be done to bring them to a serviceable state. We will share an estimated timeline as soon as it’s available.
Security and safety of the installation
Q9: Why is the process to receive guest access to base over complicated? Why isn't showing my CAC enough to get a guest on Andersen like other bases? Please explain the process to help on-base residents gain base access for their guests.
A9: The Wing Commander has designated Andersen AFB as a closed base, meaning trusted traveler is not authorized, and any visitors need to be vetted to gain a visitor pass. A visitor pass may be issued for 24 hours, Monday through Friday. If a pass over the weekend is requested, a 72-hour pass may be issued. The Visitor Control Center can make a Special Purpose pass for periods surpassing 72 hours. All documents for passes are online at The form can be filled out and signed digitally and routed to all the required personnel. Once the form is complete, requestors can e-mail the form along with a copy of the visitor's REAL ID or Passport to the org box The requestor will receive a tracking number to track the pass process. If the visitor is arriving during hours the VCC is closed, the requestor can pick up a temporary pass for the visitor until the VCC is open the next duty day. The visitor must go in person with their Sponsor for the original pass to pick it up. These steps are in place to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to Andersen AFB. Housing is included on the routing if a visitor is staying on base to track who is also residing in a government-owned facility. During the previous integrated defense working group, the Wing Commander agreed that the housing office be a part of the routing because housing on Andersen AFB is government-owned.
Q10: How come all of the gates are not 24/7? Also, how do we stop people from conducting illegal U-turns and cutting other members off when trying to get into the Arclight Gate?
A10: The 36 SFS does not have funded manpower for four 24/7 gates. Currently, the Arc Light gate and Northwest Field gates are open 24/7 and the North gate is open from 0600-2200 daily. The Santa Rosa gate is open from 0600-0900 M-Fr, 1400-1730 M, W-Fr, 1300-1630 Tu to accommodate peak traffic hours and school times. The 36 SFS makes every effort to support the gate hours; however, SF personnel may be engaged in a security and/or law enforcement response, thus delaying opening times. SF will make every effort to adhere to its established hours and work towards a public notice in the event there is an issue with opening the gates in the future. The illegal driving maneuvers outside of Arc Light Gate would require Guam Police Department (GPD) resources as the 36 SFS’ jurisdiction ends at the installation perimeter. We can reach out to our GPD counterparts to see the feasibility of increased traffic enforcement but are at the mercy of their patrol availability.
Q11: Why is Security Forces on base handing out real tickets? I thought they only gave the pink slips, even to spouses.
A11: Everyone on base is required to follow all standard traffic laws, speed limits, headlight/brake lights being operations, road sign adherence, etc. For the ticketing process, military members can receive a 1408 (pink slip) because they are held accountable under the UCMJ by their commanders and military service. For individuals not under the UCMJ, namely dependents, a regular 1805 ticket will be issued, which may include a federal fine. Security Forces is always working to ensure the base is a safe place for everyone.
Q13: Can anything be done about the speeding violations in the school zones on base?
A13: The 36 SFS Police Services are looking into ways to increase patrol coverage as well as random enforcement. They are also looking into other options to include a PA campaign of proper rules/laws in school zones. Unfortunately, due to the required base security, a lack of vehicles and an uptick in building alarms, we do not have a surplus of Law Enforcement units available to increase our presence solely at the school. We will conduct research to follow up on the school zone warning signs referenced.
Q14: Why is medical care so difficult on Andersen? The medical group doesn’t seem to be able to care for everyone.
A14: The Medical Group acknowledges that there is a hierarchy to care for the military, that is not specific to Andersen. The number of providers is based on the population of both Andersen and Naval base Guam, that is why care is shared between the two places. The hierarchy is Active-Duty Airmen, their beneficiaries and then retirees. As of now, appointments for Active-Duty personnel are always 100% booked, family appointments go un-booked every day, so there is availability there. Medical will be working with Public Affairs to release more information more often on the best ways to receive care and what phone numbers are best to call. Of note, there is acute care for people, where members can walk up to the pharmacy and request medicine for cold/flu, UTI and pregnancy concerns. Stay tuned for more information on how to receive care, and in the meantime, reach out the Medical Group and ask questions, to ensure we are taking care of you and your loved ones.
Q15: What is the status of on-base housing getting their carpet replaced?
A15: Most of the housing are just pending scheduling for their carpet replacement. 170 residents have requested carpet replacements where 54% has been completed. The remaining units (79) are pending scheduling. Residents are encouraged to contact housing at 671 366-8143 for your unit status.
Q16: What is going on with the passenger travel office?
A16: There is one individual that has helped with all PCS-related travel, and they have moved to a new position. Andersen is in the hiring process now. As for TMO aspects, that is a Navy-retained function and Andersen does not have direct control of their staffing. We are looking into setting up a formal feedback mechanism to capture passenger travel issues and transmit to the Navy for continual process improvement.
Q17: What is causing the delay with vehicles (GOVs) getting fixed on Andersen? What efforts are being made to address the backlogs of inoperable GOVs?
A17: Each vehicle is given a reg number, so units can ask for specific updates through their Vehicle Control Officer (VCO). Vehicle Maintenance (VM) is prioritizing the backlog of maintenance based on unit-determined mission essential levels and the criticality of the asset (i.e. first responders and direct mission impact). VM relies on the unit's VCOs to communicate key issues with their fleet and is a direct conduit to VM. Guam does face more challenges with the global supply chain for parts, depending on the specialized nature of the vehicle, when it comes to shipping. VM is prioritizing and working with our partners across the Wing to lower the negative impacts of the supply chain process by building our working stock of parts and fast-moving items on hand. VM is also conducting a Continuous Process Improvement event in December/January to highlight key bottlenecks in our process and find solutions to streamline maintenance across the 1293 vehicle fleet.
Q18: Is there a better way to update the community on flag conditions for Tarague Beach?
A18: The flag process is mandated to have a physical flag present on the beach and currently, they are posted to the 36 Force Support Squadron Facebook page. Ideas for a website page are being looked at!
Q19: Why doesn’t the base provide unaccompanied housing for our SNCOs and NCOs?
A19: Per CNIC M11103.3 instructions, service member with dependents are the ones eligible for family housing on base. For unaccompanied members, they should refer to unaccompanied housing office. AAFB base do not designate or assign barracks for SNOC or NCOs, they only provided barracks for E-4 and below.