ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, Guam -- The 36th Contingency Response Group hosted the Expeditionary Communications (XCOMM) Pacific Rally for the first time at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, Oct. 24-26, 2023.
The three-day event incorporated an educational tour of the base, briefs by various Airmen assigned to different areas of responsibility and all three active duty XCOMM groups: the 36th CRG, the 5th Combat Communications Group and the 435th Air and Space Communications Group.
The 36th CRG is unique in being the only non-communications group with a combat communications squadron. Working with other expeditionary focused squadrons allows more opportunities to train and enhance interoperability and XCOMM capabilities.
“Our overall desired end state is to put the X (expeditionary) back in XCOMM,” said Col. Richard McElhaney, 36th CRG commander. “We need to get smaller, more mobile, and more efficient and proficient to maneuver and sustain forces in the Pacific.”
Participants were immersed in the challenges faced in the Indo-Pacific Theater. These challenges included equipment upkeep, environmental factors and the struggles deployed communications units face when operating at a base that does not have its own aircraft. Understanding these challenges allowed them to set milestones for future plans and programs.
“What a successful rally!” said Lt. Col. Kaitlyn Roes, 644th Combat Communications Squadron commander. “The executive council laid out clear direction with short and long-term goals to ensure the XCOMM community is postured and resourced to compete, fight, and win in the Indo-Pacific.”