Holiday Safety Message Published Dec. 16, 2007 By Gen. Carrol H. Chandler Pacific Air Forces commander HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE, Hawaii -- The holiday season is an excellent opportunity to relax and enjoy family and friends as we celebrate the blessings we share as Americans. According to the National Safety Council, this is also the most stressful time of year and suicide attempts significantly increase. As Airmen, we need to be ready to point our wingman in the right direction when the stresses become too much. A number of other factors like long distance travel and recreational activities make the holiday season the second most dangerous period of the year for Air Force personnel. Each year the Air Force can expect to experience at least three fatal mishaps over the holiday period. The Secretary of the Air Force and Chief of Staff have asked us to "Make a difference by dropping that number to zero." Please help us do that by doing things smartly--and safely this holiday season. As commanders, supervisors, co-workers and wingmen, we must emphasize the commitment necessary to enjoy a safe and enjoyable holiday season. Take time to discuss the simplified Operational Risk Management process called ACT - Assess the situation, Consider options to limit risk, and Take appropriate action, while utilizing PACAF CARES and conducting tailored safety briefings. As Airmen, we should conduct ourselves professionally and responsibly 24/7/365. Be proud of who you are and what you represent - the best Air Force in the world - an Air Force that needs every single one of you to return for 2008. Have a safe, happy, and joyous holiday season.