Protecting the Environment

The four pillars of the Air Force environmental mission are quality, conservation and planning, pollution prevention, and restoration.

The Environmental office works with all elements of the base, regulatory agencies and the community to ensure the job gets done in a sustainable manner. By working cooperatively, the Andersen team will continue to comply with environmental laws, preserve the natural environment, and accomplish its mission.

Environmental News

  • USDA gets brown tree snakes out of trees, into cages

    Last year the United States Department of Agriculture caught 4,467 brown tree snakes on Andersen. "The brown tree snake threatens the economy, ecosystem and health," said Marc Hall, the Supervisory Wildlife Biologist of USDA on Andersen. "We're here to help the Air Force manage this issue." As an

  • 36th SVS renovates Tarague Beach

    Have you ever wanted to take a step back into the past? Enjoy a simpler life? Go to the beach just to relax with friends and family? If so, Tarague Beach is the place to be. But anyone who hasn't visited Tarague Beach recently is sure in for a surprise. Tarague has been undergoing a facelift for the

  • Earth Day highlights need to preserve resources

    Earth Day is an international event demonstrating concern and mobilizing support for the environment. Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970, and rallied more than 20 million Americans from around the country to get involved in environmental "teachings." This event, which was the largest

  • Assistant SECAF visits Andersen, speaks of future Guam development

    Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment and Logistics the Honorable William C. "Bill" Anderson and his Navy counterpart, the Honorable B.J. Penn, traveled to Guam to analyze the status of joint basing and future Guam development. Retired U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen. David

NAVFAC Marianas

Guam EPA