7. Heritage Hall: Located in the AMC Terminal, a timeline of the Air Force presence in the Pacific is illustrated with displays. You can also find a large collection of model airplanes, and trivia for kids.

8. Old and New Control Towers: The structure on the left opened in 1971 and is the tallest freestanding control tower in the AF. At one point it was also the tallest building on Guam. The cylindrical structure on the right, now used for hanging parachutes was the old control tower with its top removed built in 1954.

9. Building 21000: Called “the little Pentagon of the Pacific” when opened on 12 October 1948, it was the largest and oldest building on Andersen. 21000 was originally built as a barracks. Its all concrete construction indicated that the USAF was planning to stay on Guam after WWII. It was torn down in 2020.