36 CES Environmental

Environmental professionals dedicated to protecting, preserving, and restoring the environment by effectively using our resources for the Andersen community of today and tomorrow and defending the environment as an integral part of the national defense.

It is the policy of Andersen Air Force Base to:
--Maintain a safe and healthy operating environment to support mission requirements
--Comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations
--Minimize the generations of all types of waste
--Manage natural resources including air, soil, animals, plants, and water to provide for sustained multiple sue of these resources
--Provide public access for recreational use of land consistent with the military mission

Learn more about specific AF Environmental programs and responsibilities by reviewing the AAFB Environmental Handbook!

Environmental Quality
Many compliance issues can be solved through non-traditional solutions. Instead of getting permits which allow us to use certain chemicals or emit certain pollutants, we can eliminate the need to use those chemicals or emit pollutants through changing our work processes. If we change one process which uses a hazardous substance to use a less hazardous substance, we reduce the amount of hazardous waste produced, saving money on disposal costs. And in many instances, the less hazardous substance costs less too.

Recycling: Our recycling program is still in the growing stages, but has come a long way in a short time. Cardboard is the leading commodity. We would like to expand into other commodities (glass, plastic, etc.), but being on a remote island makes it somewhat difficult to find a market for these items. After all, if a contractor can not make enough money off the recyclables to recoup the shipping costs, then no contractor will want to take the stuff.

Hazardous Waste Reduction: We have significantly reduced the amount of hazardous waste produced and thus disposed of at Andersen AFB.

Andersen's corrosion control operation, the largest in the Air Force, began using products with no hazardous constituents and drastically changed paint application procedures. With the new products, paint filters and masking paper no longer have to be disposed of as hazardous waste. To eliminate the liquid mixed paint and paint thinner waste, personnel were educated to spray all mixed paint onto the item being painted. The surplus paint is sprayed inside fenders, wheel house openings, the vehicle frame, and engine compartments. Used thinner is recycled by mixing it with undercoating or non-slip paint as a reducer. This new approach has worked successfully for nearly 2 years, and resulted in an average reduction or 2,708 lbs of waste paint related materials per year.

The use of the Hazardous Materials Pharmacy has significantly reduced the amount of expired shelf-life items which have to be disposed of This is good for the environment and saves us lots of money - the initial purchase cost plus the disposal costs.

Natural and Cultural Resources
The Guam Historic Preservation Act and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 protect historic, archaeological, and other cultural resources in the territory. The Air Force's goal is to protect buildings, structures, sites and objects of historic, archaeological, or cultural value. There are many archaeological sites here on Andersen, especially in the Tarague basin.
Drive to the Scenic Overlook and you will be looking northeast along the cliffs and coastline of Tarague (or Talagi in Chamorro). There are two trails which you may combine to make a 4-mile loop of medium difficulty. The Coastal Trail begins near the picnic area at the north end of Tarague Beach Road. It is a 1.8-mile hike (one-way) along the beach and through shoreline jungle to see the environmental and historic features of coastal Tarague. The Inland Trail begins at the southern end of the Tarague Beach Road (before it enters the off-limits Small Arms Range).

This is a moderately difficult 1.4-mile round-trip hike that takes you back to the time of the early Chamorro. The Tarague Cave Trail is located at the parking lot on the north end of the Tarague Beach Road. Follow the signs from the parking area. It is an easy 1/4-mile walk through the sand to a cave used in ancient Chamorro times. Plans are underway to open up even more of the Tarague area for people who want to get in touch with the past and learn of the early history of the Chamorro people. These hikes will be both enjoyable and educational.

Andersen is not just home to ancient history, but current history as well. Over one of the cliff lines here on Andersen is the final resting place for one of the B-29 bombers that use to fly out of Andersen (or North Field as it was called at the time) during World War II. The B-29 was named Colleen, and ten crewmembers died on her fatal crash back on July 22nd 1945. One crewmember, the tailgunner, luckily survived the crash and went on to live a full life. The crash site remains on restricted ground, but plans are underway to have guided tours down to this memorial for those who want to reflect on the sacrifices of those before us.

Restoration Advisory Board
What is a RAB?
The RAB is an advisory body designed to act as a focal point for the exchange of information between Andersen AFB and the local community regarding restoration activities. The RAB is intended to bring together community members who reflect the diverse interests within the Guam community, enabling the early and continued two-way flow of information, concerns, values, and needs between the affected community and the installation.

RAB members will be asked to meet regularly and review and comment on technical documents and plans relating to the ongoing environmental studies and restoration activities at Andersen AFB. Members will be expected to serve as a liaison with the community and be available to meet with community members and groups. Membership terms will be decided by the RAB. All RAB meetings will be open to the public. Air Force support staff will be available to provide informational support and explanation to RAB members.