HSC-25 Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles

To deploy helicopter detachments to conduct Sea Combat operations in support of the Fleet and our National Defense; and to provide logistics, search and rescue, force protection, and disaster response support to the Territory of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.

To be recognized as the U. S. Navy's premiere Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron.

We are dedicated to the success of our squadron and our people.

We are committed to the highest personal and professional standards.

We always do our best and strive to be the best.


Command Philosophy and Priorities

The mission of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron TWENTY-FIVE is to deploy helicopter detachments to conduct Sea Combat operations in support of the Fleet and our National Defense; and to provide logistics, search and rescue, force protection, and disaster response support to the Territory of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. We must never forget that we exist to help fight our Nation's wars. Therefore, my Command Philosophy is very simple--we are committed to the safe and effective accomplishment of our mission. Our Navy and our nation depend upon it. To effectively accomplish our mission, we will be guided by the following principles:

"We are dedicated to the success of our squadron and our people."

As Sailors we are an important part of the Navy combat team and each of us is an important part of the Island Knight team. We contribute to our squadron mission readiness by developing our own professional competencies and by mentoring others to achieve professional qualifications and personal goals. As such, we are committed to training and retaining the finest tactical and technical experts. To do this, we encourage, support, mentor, teach and lead one another. Finally, we take care of our shipmates and their families.

"We are committed to the highest personal and professional standards."

Each of us has volunteered to serve and, I believe, take great pride in this honor. We are proud to wear the cloth of our Nation and our Navy. We display that pride 24/7, on duty and off duty. As ambassadors of the United States, we have a responsibility to neither condone nor ignore behavior that brings discredit upon the United States, our service or our squadron. We must always place our mission ahead of individual differences and foster a work environment that is free from harassment and characterized by respect. We strive do what is right.

"We always do our best and strive to be the best."

The finest organizations in the world did not get that way by striving to be second. Excellence depends upon the dedication of every Island Knight to be the best at their part of our command mission. Regardless the task, we must always endeavor to do our best and be the best at it. As we continue to adapt to our evolving mission, we must continue to transform the way we think and operate. We must embrace change and strive to make things better through innovation and improvement.

As your Commanding Officer, I will remain committed to the following priorities:
· Continue our squadron's outstanding record for readiness and mission accomplishment.
· Expand and refine emerging Sea Combat mission areas.
· Provide a working environment in which every Sailor has the opportunity to succeed.

It is my distinct honor and privilege to serve with you as HSC-25 continues to lead the way in naval aviation, the region and our community. Keep charging Knights! ______________________________________________________________________________________


1. High standards of conduct, behavior and appearance are your personal responsibility. Your standards directly reflect on your reputation, our squadron and the U. S. Navy. As ambassadors of the United States, we have a responsibility to neither condone nor ignore behavior that brings discredit upon the United States or our service. Whether in Guam or visiting foreign ports abroad, we shall obey the orders and policies of the Fleet Commander, the governing laws of the United States and those of the host nation in which we are visiting.

2. As your Commanding Officer, I have the responsibility to ensure every Sailor in this command works in an environment that is safe and promotes productivity. Our government has invested considerable resources to train and equip us and expects us to be ready to respond when tasked. Substance abuse of any type limits our ability to perform our mission and will not be tolerated. Drug and alcohol abuse undermines the very fiber of combat readiness, safety, discipline, judgment, and loyalty. There is simply no room in this squadron for someone who is not alert or able to perform at 100% effectiveness. The risks are too great.

3. My policy on drug use is uncompromising; if you use drugs, you are out. Although alcohol is a legal substance, alcohol abuse is never acceptable and will never serve as an excuse for irresponsible behavior. I expect all members of this command who chose to consume alcohol, to do so responsibly. Never drive after you have been drinking and always have a buddy. I will consider drunkenness an aggravating factor in any disciplinary matter.

4. The chain-of-command is expected to act promptly to identify and resolve all situations that involve substance abuse. In addition, we shall use every available resource to prevent and eliminate substance abuse. Failure to do so unnecessarily exposes us to potential loss of life, damage to valuable equipment, degraded readiness, and the inability to complete our mission.



1. The mission of HSC-25 is to deploy helicopter detachments to conduct Sea Combat operations in support of the Fleet, our National Defense and the Global War on Terrorism. In addition, we provide logistics, search and rescue, force protection, and disaster response support to the Territory of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. In order to accomplish this, we must preserve our personnel, material and aircraft. Operational Risk Management (ORM) is the method we use to eliminate preventable mishaps and enhance mission effectiveness. My goal is to eliminate preventable mishaps. In the performance of our mission, Safety and Operations do not compete for the primary position. I want everyone to approach their work with the idea that they will safely accomplish their task by utilizing ORM.

2. The safety of each Island Knight is critical to the success of the entire squadron. The principals of ORM are fundamental and suitable for use with on or off duty activities. Each of you must consider the consequences of your actions not only on your personal health, but on the mission readiness of this command. Leaders and supervisors shall use all means available to identify hazards and mitigate high risk behavior on and off duty. Take care of your shipmates! Intervene if necessary. It is not acceptable to have any member of HSC-25 injured or killed due to negligence on their part or by another member. I expect each Island Knight to commit to maintaining and improving safety awareness. Our mission effectiveness depends upon it.

3. I am personally concerned about the health and wellbeing of each Island Knight and your families. Every life is precious and the work we do is valuable. Our job carries with it an inherent risk. It is the responsibility of every member to be conscious of that risk and of our role in the Navy and the national security of our Nation. As we continue to extend our record of operational excellence, the primary focus of this command must be successful mission execution through effective risk management.



1. My responsibility as Commanding Officer is to establish a workplace in which every Sailor can perform their job, feel that their work is valued, and have a fair chance to advance in their rate. There is no place in HSC-25 where discrimination or prejudice, favoritism or preferential treatment will be tolerated. You can be assured there will be no reprisal for any attempt to utilize the Navy Equal Opportunity Program. Any act of reprisal at this command will receive my personal attention and be dealt with swiftly and fairly.

2. Because HSC-25 is a shore based command, I am responsible for ensuring the Navy's EO Program is active in housing agreements, educational and on-base recreational or service oriented facilities. Any discrimination or unfair treatment affecting you or your family members should be reported immediately using your chain of command. I have designated a Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) Advisor, whose name and contact phone number is listed in the Plan of the Week, to provide assistance at any time.

3. I will not tolerate fraternization or sexual harassment in this command, on or off duty. I also expect every Sailor to take an active part in eliminating this type of behavior. Our mission success relies heavily upon our ability to function as a team. Fraternization and sexual harassment jeopardize our team's effectiveness. If you see it, report it. I assure you if an allegation is founded in truth, proper action will be taken.

4. I want to remind you that each of us must assume full responsibility for practicing equal opportunity and preventing fraternization and sexual harassment. In this commitment, I expect your support. The bottom line is simple, treat each other with respect! I will not settle for anything less than fair and equal treatment for all.