Special Education/EIS

Exceptional Family Member Program

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is mandatory for all family members who have been identified with a special medical or educational need. Enrolling in the EFMP ensures that the family member's medical needs will be considered during the assignment coordination process.

Children from Birth to Three Years of Age

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires all States and territories to provide early intervention services to children from birth to age three who are developmentally delayed, or who are at high risk of being developmentally delayed. Early intervention services may be provided by local school districts or health departments. There is no common name across States for the programs, but you may hear them referred to as Part C programs (because Part C is the section of the IDEA that pertains to early intervention).

The National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center provides a list of State Part C directors and funded programs at their web site. Military OneSource can identify local early intervention programs for you.

Parents of children who receive early intervention services should hand-carry a copy of the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) and most current evaluation reports to the new location.

Children from 3 through 21 Years of Age

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires all States and Territories to provide special education services to children who are from 3 through 21 year of age. Each local school district has a special education director, and each school should have a case study committee or school based committee (terms differ) that attends to special education students' needs.

Parents of children receiving special education and related services should hand-carry all pertinent school and medical documents to include their children's Individualized Education Program (IEP) and current testing and evaluation reports to the new school.

The IDEA requires that if a child transfers to a district in the same state, the receiving school must provide comparable services to those in the child's IEP from the sending district's until the new school develops and implements a new IEP. If a child transfers to another State, the receiving district must provide comparable services to those in the child's IEP from the sending district until the receiving district completes an evaluation and creates a new IEP.

Others who can help you:

Parent Training and Information Centers Each state is home to at least one Parent Training and Information Center (PTI). PTIs serve families of children and young adults from birth to age 22 with all disabilities: physical, cognitive, emotional, and learning. They help families obtain appropriate education and services for their children with disabilities; work to improve education results for all children; train and inform parents and professionals on a variety of topics; resolve problems between families and schools or other agencies; and connect children with disabilities to community resources that address their needs. The Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers provides addresses and phone number of the centers in your state.

STOMP (Specialized Training of Military Parents) is a federally funded Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center established to assist military families who have children with special education or health needs. The staff of the STOMP Project are parents of children who have disabilities and have experience in raising their children in military communities and traveling with their spouses to different locations.

Washington PAVE
STOMP Project
6316 So. 12th St.
Tacoma, WA 98465
253-565-2266 (v/tty)
1-800-5-PARENT (v/tty)
Fax: 253-566-8052

Installation Specific Information

Individual cases should be referred to the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) so that all services in addition to education may be coordinated for inbound personnel.

Special Education

A special education program is in place to meet the needs of students with special needs. DoDEA's Guam District provides services for students ages 3-5 with developmental delays and in grades K-12 for students with physical, emotional, communication and learning disabilities. Speech and language services are available for students in preschool through grade 12. Medically related services are available on a contractual basis, as needed.

Parents are the most are the most valuable members of the special education process. If your child requires special education services, you will be involved in decisions about what services, instruction, and equipment are to be provided, as well as where these services may take place. Schools will ensure that placement is made in the least restrictive environment. You will be asked to share knowledge about your child's development, your expectations, and information about how your child learns.

Once developed, the IEP (Individual Education Program) may be reviewed at any time concerns arise regarding the services being provided. Fostering feelings of trust and respect is an important goal for parents and educators. It is vitally important to keep the lines of communions open. We will work together to see that your and your child's dreams for the future can be realized.

Guam Public Schools' Special Education

Military Families with special-needs children enrolling in Guam public schools should contact the Special Education Child Find Coordinator at the Guam Department of Education at 671-475-0546. Additionally, parents should discuss their child's special needs with the classroom teacher and the consulting resource teacher. Prior to arriving in Guam, address questions to Exceptional Family Member Coordinator at Andersen Air Force Base, DSN 315-366-8217.

Parents should hand-carry copies of the most recent evaluations to include test names and scores as well as the individual education plan.

The Guam Special Education Division programs serve eligible students, ages birth through 21 with a wide range of academic, emotional, behavioral and physical needs, as well as the academically and creatively gifted and talented.

In Guam public schools, students with disabilities are educated with non-disabled students. Special classes are used only when the nature or severity of the disability is such that services cannot be satisfactorily achieved in the regular classroom with supplemental support.