Powered by capable people
Sustained through resource resiliency
Advanced with agile capabilities
Sustain All-Domain Force Projection from the Second Island Chain
Right-Size 36 OG for the Mission:
Revamp determinants to support airfield operations, operations support,
exercise/OPLAN support & airspace C2 resourcing.
Support Enhanced Training & Ops West of the IDL:
Identify 36 WG specified & implied tasks that advance
Northwest Field and airspace C2 initiatives.
Reconstitute the Airfield:
Develop NWF to execute current and future contingency requirements.
Recapitalize Infrastructure:
Re-establish security, instrumentation & infrastructure with increased resiliency.
Increase Andersen AFB Warfighter Footing:
Increase AAFB’s hub effectiveness through expanded C2
capabilities and agile mission planning capacity.
Identify all operational requirements Provide 24/7 support to theater operations Ensure Airmen have the tools and support to succeed.