COMMENTARY: Holiday greetings from PACAF leaders

  • Published
  • By Gen. Gary North
  • Pacific Air Forces Commander
The holiday season is here again - this past year really "Flew by!" It's certainly fitting to pass a huge "Thank You" to our PACAF Airmen and their families...thank you for all you do in the PACOM region and around the world.

The season always provides us the time to reflect on the truly amazing command achievements this year...achievements that would not have been possible without your professional commitment and personal dedication to our PACAF mission.

Central among these was the support levied by our Pacific team in Operation TOMODACHI following the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in northern Japan. Your phenomenal efforts and outstanding outreach and support during this tragic event provided humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to the Japanese people, underscoring and deepening our commitment to the government and the citizens of Japan.

PACAF Airmen also participated in multiple combat operations, exercises and deployments throughout the theater and around the world, answering our nation's call to support and promote peace and stability. As always, wherever you are, please take some time to remember our warfighters who are in harm's way this holiday season. We offer our heartfelt appreciation and respect to them and their families and send our best wishes for a successful deployment and safe journey home.

The holiday season is an excellent and well-deserved chance to enjoy time with family and friends. That said, we are all aware it may also be a difficult time for others. Pay attention to your wingmen and their families. Be on the lookout for those who may require some assistance. We are "all in" and as part of our PACAF family we should all take care of each other, please!

This particular year, we should also reflect that seventy years ago Airmen worked together to respond to the call when Oahu came under attack and ushered in U.S. involvement in World War II. Today, the men and women of PACAF continue to promote security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and across the globe. We are all proud to call ourselves PACAF Airmen.

Command Chief Master Sgt. Brooke McLean and I, alongside our command leadership team are humbled by the truly monumental work each of you does every day. As we look forward to 2012 and beyond, we wish you and your families the very best for the holiday season. Happy Holidays!

For General North's biography click here.