Andersen AFB to participate in Exercise Sling Stone 21-1

  • Published
  • 36 Wing Public Affairs

Andersen Air Force Base (AFB) is scheduled to participate in Exercise Sling Stone 21-1 (ESS 21), an annual anti-terrorism force protection exercise, Nov 5.

The exercise will involve multiple training scenarios that intend to prepare service members to respond to emergency situations. ESS 21 is not in response to any specific threat, but is a regularly scheduled exercise. Wing inspection members will be on scene during base-wide exercise scenarios to ensure public safety.

Increased noise and activity to include sound effects, messages from the Giant Voice system, sirens and noises from emergency vehicles may be heard. Visual effects such as smoke may also be seen. Measures have been taken to minimize disruptions within the local communities and to normal base operations, but there may be times when the exercise causes increased traffic around base or delays in base access.

In the event of a real-world situation the exercise will be terminated and the base will be notified through the official Andersen Air Force Facebook page and AtHoc notification system.

For the most current information regarding ESS 21, please follow Andersen Air Force Base on Facebook at or contact the 36 Wing Public Affairs office at 671-366-2228 or via email at

