Staff Sgt. Jonathan Bechtel, Detachment 3 noncommissioned officer in charge of supply, stands with his peers after being awarded Andersen's Best here, March 10. Sergeant Bechtel was recognized for his superb job performance as the mastermind in providing all maintenance material to support aircraft and ground station. In addition, Sergeant Bechtel’s supply expertise was also used to support the remote satellite downlink site providing equipment and materials ahead of the military ADVON team (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Jeffrey Schultze) Andersen's Best is a recognition program which highlights a top performer from the 36th Wing. Each week, supervisors nominate a member of their team for outstanding performance and the 36th Wing commander presents the selected Airman with an award. To nominate your Airman for Andersen's Best, contact your unit chief or superintendent explaining their accomplishments.